
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stickmen Vs Cubes Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is out now. This is definitely better than other terrible stories I've written, especially considering it contains the Robot War of Korea, which happened on Pi Day of 2011.

Stickmen Vs. Cubes - Chapter 1

That's right, I, the Cactiphile, am writing a story about stickmen fighting an endless war with cubes.
Find it on the other page, obviously titled Stickmen Vs. Cubes. Originally intended to be a comic strip series, I got tired of the cramps in my wrists from drawing, and made it a written story instead.
Note: The first few paragraphs are quite nondescript.
Here's some art for the series:

Read it on the new page I'm creating.

And remember: Clicky clicky ---->